Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Help Brad 'n Jackie become teachers

We've been invited to teach Kindergarten for a day at Lincoln Elementary. (WE NEED YOUR HELP!) We have no idea how to come up with a teaching program for these kids so call the morning show or comment with your ideas. What are some fun, educational games you remember from the "K" days? What was your favorite book when you were little? SHARE!

Here's why we decided to teach Kindergarten for a day.

Beth Olmstead, the Principal of Lincoln Elementary School in Twin Falls contacted the Morning Show to educate us about Kindergarten in Idaho.

The state of Idaho only funds 1/2 days and Kindergarten isn't even mandatory.

Lincoln Elementary has been providing full day classes at cost to the parents but would like to offer the full day to as many parents as possible.

This program began as part of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers grant and thier goal is to make the program self-sustainable.

The cost per student is $1,620 and not all parents can afford the cost. (Please consider donating a scholarship)

They need to raise 43,000 dollars to fully fund the program. Let's help them out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So far we've had some great ideas... Read books... play bingo (using colors and shapes)... and ANYTHING that's hands-on, like making butter. Great ideas! Keep 'em coming.