Tuesday, May 4, 2010


--According to Linda Stone, who used to work for both Microsoft and Apple, in her research she's discovered something called "E-MAIL RAGE" . . . which is where you get an e-mail, FLIP OUT, and instantly shoot back an angry response.

--It happens when you get an e-mail that feels like an attack . . . usually one with a lot of capital letters and exclamation points . . . and you temporarily lose control.

--And that can cost you . . . because 26% of companies say they'd fire someone for e-mail misuse.

--Linda says the next time you get an e-mail that ENRAGES you, try these five tips before you do something that could be potentially damaging.

#1.) Back away from the computer for a few minutes.

#2.) Write the e-mail, but don't put anyone's address in the "To" field. This gives you a way to vent without actually sending the e-mail when you're done.

#3.) Vent to another human, out loud. Instead of creating a permanent record of your venting, talk to someone unrelated to the situation.

#4.) Give people the benefit of the doubt. Since you can't pick up any non-verbal clues through e-mail, maybe you're misinterpreting what you're reading.

#5.) Confront the person offline. Talk on the phone or see them face-to-face to clear up the things that made you angry. This will make it MUCH easier to resolve things. (CNN)

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