Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Am I the only uber dork that's REALLY GEEKED about Iron Man opening on Friday?!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Song Lyrics?

This morning we talked about song lyrics. I've gone YEARS thinking I was singing along with the right words, only to discover I had it all wrong. Garth Brooks: Rodeo... Is it "... spurs and let it go" or "... spurs and ladigo"? Tracy Lawrence: "Paint me a Birmingham" or "Paint me a Burning Ham"? What songs have you been singing the wrong way? (Post your comments)


Thursday, April 24, 2008

Family Feud- Have you been caller 8 too many times?

Brad and Jackie play The Family Feud every morning at 7:10 for your chance to play and win hamburgers from The Shake Out. If you have called and called and called and never gotten to caller 9 join the "Famous Caller 8 Club". All you have to do is share your frustration.

If you have been caller 9 before and have some "calling advice" please share. The president of the "Famous Caller 8 Club" really needs all the help he can get.

Thanks for sharing your comments and maybe one day you all will be caller 9s.

Listen and vote to Jason George's song

Jason visited The Morning Show with Brad and Jackie. Jason needs your votes to get his song played on MTV. Listen to his song and vote

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

This is INSANE! Check out this vid of a guy trapped in an elevator. It's a time-lapse video of his 41-hour nightmare.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April Fools: Yes or No?

Are you tired of April 1st? I'm a prankster at heart and I love a good joke. I've played some great pranks and I've had some GREAT ones played on me.

Playing a joke on April 1st is radio tradition. I've seen some stations take it too far... calling listeners and telling them they won a million dollars and then letting them down with a big "April Fools!". (That's just mean. You can't give someone that kind of life changing news and let them down. NOT COOL)

Our prank certainly wasn't damaging to anyone. A lot of you figured it out and called up and played along. Thanks for having a good sense of humor and having some fun with us.

Those of you that didn't figure it out right away, flooded our phone lines with calls of support and belive me... in today's world of turnstyle radio hosts, I REALLY appreciate it.

I like our show -- and even more importantly, I like you. I recieived a lot of emails of concern this morning and it reminds me that I'm blessed to have a family beyond my wife and kids. I grew up on the radio. I started as single guy... I married my wife, April... and now I'm raising my kids on the radio. (Often with good advice from you moms and dads) My family is HUGE and I love it. (Group hug. Seriously)

I've always considered KEZJ YOUR radio station. I just get to come in, hang out with you and play your songs.

With that in mind, I think YOU should get to make the choice about April 1st next year. Do you think we should stop April Fools stunts? Or do you think it would be wrong to break with years of tradition? Vote.

I think you should decide.

Brad (The Morning Show with Brad and Jackie)