Thursday, July 24, 2008

Are you living near a meth lab?

Did You Know: For every ONE pound of methamphetamine produced in a home lab, SIX pounds of toxic waste is generated?

(--Maybe you're wondering how often that sort of thing happens. Well, pretty often, actually. Meth is easy to make, and a lot of people set up labs in their bathtub or basement.)

--That said . . . wouldn't you want to know if the house you were thinking about putting an offer on was ever used as a crank lab?

--Of course you would . . . and now you can, thanks to the Drug Enforcement Agency's new National Clandestine Laboratory Register.

--Basically, the Register is a website which allows you to look up houses in your state which have been identified by Johnny Law as one-time meth labs . . . so you can quickly see if your house, or one in your neighborhood, has ever been used to cook dope. (WalletPop)

(--Take a look at the Register here. Check out how many meth labs are in Missouri. Crazy.)


Anonymous said...

I am a business owner that specializes in the decontamination of former meth labs on a national level, and I feel must elborate on this story. The natioanl statistics say that only about one in ten meth labs are busted. The national register shows about 120 thousand labs, do the math, its scary. Furthermore, not all law enforcement EPIC (el paso inteligence center) reports when they bust a lab. Also, many that are reported do not make it on the list. So, dont take it for granted that if it is not on that list it is not contaminated. As for the comment about the waste generated, there is a huge misunderstanding regarding that number. This is in referance to the average amount of chemicals and aparatus that is collected during a seizure, and has nothing to do with the amount of residual contamination deposited in a home as a result of a cook. The only way to be sure is to have the home tested by an experianced qualified contractor!Visit for more information.

Anonymous said...

While we obtain and post "official" stats, we REALLY appreicate informed people like you that take the time to elaborate on issues that are very important to our community and our safety.

God Bless,
