Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Did you hear it too?

On the heels of our earthquake a couple weeks ago, it's good to know I'm not crazy. Last night about 11pm(ish) I heard a noise in my house. It almost sounded like someone or something heavy was running on my roof. The rumbling lasted for at LEAST 10 seconds and I almost dismissed it as thunder. I'm glad I decided to mention it this morning becuase the phones went CRAZY! We had calls from Jackpot, Jerome, Twin, Hagerman, Richfield... etc. It's good to know that YOU heard it too. If I'm crazy, at least I'm not alone. Be sure to vote on our latest poll. What do YOU think it was?



Anonymous said...

I was told it was contruction blasting for the hospital in Jerome...

95.7 KEZJ said...

I think we have it figured out. More calls from this morning reporting that the Air Force is conducting some drills at the bombing range. Here's an article from today's paper. http://www.magicvalley.com/articles/2008/03/19/news/local_state/133097.txt

Anonymous said...

Well from what I understand it did not only happen on Monday night, but also last night.. I didn't hear the one Monday night, but did hear and/or feel the one from Tuesday night around 11:15PM...

Anonymous said...

I heard the exact same thing Monday night as well as Tuesday night at about the exact same time. 11:15ish or so.
My assumption is it is some type of blasting somewhere.

Anonymous said...

It was aliens, I tells ya! ALIENS!

Anonymous said...

We heard it and felt it here in Jerome. I thought it was my kids playing areound when they should have been sleeping. WHen I checked they were in their beds but wondering " what that was" !! Just like I was.