Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Jackie's late...Brad wants food!

I seem to run late in the mornings. Wierd!

Brad says the golden rule at the radio station is if you are late you must bring food. Is this a golden rule in every work place? Do I really owe him food? And most importantly I really need to get out of bed 20 minutes early. Can you help me? Please



Anonymous said...

You should bring food if you're going to be late. It's the least you can do for your co-host who is always on time... everyday... always. You should get him a #1 with a chocolate milk. Not that I'd know what he wants for breakfast... I'm just sayin...

Anonymous said...

Brad don't you think you should have have spelt Hime with a y.

Anonymous said...

If you bring food you can use that as an excuse for being late----I stopped to pick some up they took their sweet time in making it so I"m late.

Anonymous said...

Just set your clock 10 min ahead then also set your alarm on your cell phone. If you snooze until your ph alrm goes off then you know you need to get moving. This is what I do and it works because I am a big snooze button hitter at 5:30 in the am.

Anonymous said...

I don't know who Hime is... So why would I tell him how to spell his name?


Anonymous said...

I agree with the person who said to set your alarms fast. We do that in our house.It works.